TRAINING: Creatrix of All Life #2 — Redefining the Fertility of Female Childless Bodies

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The second training by holistic therapist and medicine woman Fern, is designed for women, trans men, and non-binary people who consciously decide not to conceive children. By defying the status quo, we destigmatize childless bodies and look at ways to redefine the concept of fertility and its relation to family, purpose, and creativity. This gathering is dedicated to those who are open to channeling the Womb Wisdom into their projects. Because who are we without children? How do we deal with the pressures to start a family? And when can we create space for the fertilization of our dreams and personal projects?

This training starts with an intimate discussion about the taboos around intentional childless bodies. It is followed by a meditation session that allows us to connect with the potential that we have inside of us in order to create new projects, and stimulate our creativity. At the end of the session, you will be encouraged to do one last practice in your home to complete all the rituals performed during the training. For that, you will receive a herbal blend to experience a v-steaming ritual.

We are aware that people are keen to join the TRAINING but who are, due to financial instability and worry, unable to purchase a ticket. Let us know at the latest 24 hours in advance by emailing trainings [​at​] and we will provide a ticket free of charge and up to €20 in travel costs to be able to travel to Kunstinstituut Melly in Rotterdam.




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