Aqueene Wilson
Aqueene Wilson ( Curacao, 1995), is a creative entrepreneur, self-taught photographer, and Caribbean child. With the human body as her most common subject and her background in dance, she explores and is known for documenting the (colored) body through a vulnerable lens.
She holds an International bachelor’s degree in Arts & Culture from Erasmus University. Here, she was encouraged to practice photography from a position of research while cultivating culturally nurturing dialogues. As such, her work serves as a fountain of positive representation, wellness, and tenderness of especially black folks & responds directly to the personal and communal need for a more honest and representative space in photography, dance, and film.
From 2019 onwards, she has been researching the lack of black dancers in contemporary institutions and now seeks to actively make space for the yet marginalized body. Now, with her current fellow position at Kunstinstituut Melly, she has translated her thesis into an online series, namely, Where are the black bodies dancing? With her focus on inclusion, she will continue to hold space for others and is now able to add curator to her name.
Besides her personal work, she has worked for interesting organizations such as Codarts, The Diaz collections, Serioos Collectief, Lady Shaynah, Splendid Coaching and Dansateliers.