PERFORMANCE by Johanna Tengan

Dancer and choreographer Johanna Tengan began making this new piece by asking: What does dropping out mean to me? Taking place across the third floor exhibition spaces, Tengan thus furthers the investigation of the drop-out phenomenon as raised in An exhibition with an audio script by Sarah Demeuse and Wendy Tronrud, as well as a soundtrack by Mario García Torres in collaboration with Sol Oosel.

Allen Ginsberg’s seminal free-flowing poem Howl (1954) became an important reference for Tengan, as it describes the fringes of society, and those inhabiting these marginal areas: the homeless, the sick, the elderly, the addicted. These marginalised figures have inspired the physical language of Tengan’s performance, in which the body becomes limited and disabled, but also becomes entranced; a vessel for protest and resistance.



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