Taal Tour: Afrikaanderwijk — Dutch

Offsite Book Tickets

Cihad Caner’s solo exhibition brings attention to a largely overlooked chapter of Dutch history: the 1972 riots in Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk neighborhood, where guest workers were targeted.

In parallel to his exhibition, this guided tour through Afrikaanderwijk examines the colonial legacies reflected in its street names, such as Paul Krugerstraat, Pretorialaan, and Wapenstraat, which commemorate the Anglo-Boer Wars (1899–1902) and key figures associated with that period. The tour highlights how these historical connections intersect with the neighborhood’s current struggles with gentrification.

Tours are offered once or twice a month in the languages spoken by local residents—Turkish, Dutch, English, Moroccan-Arabic (Darija), and Papiamentu. On Saturday 12 October at 2 pm, our art mediator, Gino van Weenen, will commence the series with a Dutch-language tour. It will begin at the intersection of Maashaven Oostzijde and Putselaan.

The tour was developed by Hannah Dawn Henderson and Cihad Caner, who have made a transcribed version available to browse both within Cihad’s exhibition and online. Please visit our website for regular updates on tour schedules and other activities.

Tickets, priced at 6 euros, are available through the link above and include access to the exhibitions at Kunstinstituut Melly.

Link to starting point.



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