100% Contemporary Kids Opening Party

Live Free Entrance

The opening celebration begins on Friday, July 12, from 4 to 6 p.m.

This summer holiday, children aged 4 to 12 (and anyone who still feels like a kid) can visit Kunstinstituut Melly for a 100% Hedendaags art adventure with something for everyone. By exploring four large art installations, you can experience how an artist's creative process can begin. Are you a rebel, a sampler, a dreamer, or more of a pioneer?

Transform into a Rebel and learn how to turn your emotions into a powerful voice that the world can benefit from. Dive into the gray office of the Sampler and discover that you can also make art with computers, a copier, and a paper shredder, transforming a dull environment into one filled with color. Do you see yourself as a hands-on researcher? Do you like rolling up your sleeves? Then help build the giant marble run of the Pioneer. Experiment with gravity and discover through play what works and what doesn't. Prefer to seek peace and quiet? Immerse yourself in the soft, imaginative world of the Dreamer. Get lost in a story being read to you or build a cushion fort where you feel comfortable.

About 100% Contemporary

100% Contemporary is an overarching art education platform by art institutions MaMA, Kunstinstituut Melly, and TENT for secondary and vocational education students. Especially for the Vakantie Paspoort, 100% Contemporary is creating an interactive exhibition for children aged 4 to 12. 100% Contemporary is convinced that even young children can relate to the four artist types: Rebel, Sampler, Pioneer, and Dreamer, which form the central theme in the secondary education program.

Art Mediators present:
Tonnie Heijdra (rebel)
Maria Mombers (sampler)
Ilidia Medina (dreamer)
Bram Verhoef & Lisa Diederik (pioneers)

Project Leadership:
MaMA: Felicitas Lenz
Kunstinstituut Melly: Emilia Aivazian
TENT: Judith Vorwerk

Practical Information:
Opening party on Friday, July 12, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, free entry.
Admission is always free for children. Do you have a Vakantie Passport?
Then two supervisors can accompany you for free.

Address: Witte de Withstraat 50
Opening hours: Wed to Sun from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Children always have free admission
With a Vakantie Paspoort two adults can join for free
Without a youth Vakantie Paspoort, admission is 6 euros per adult
Rotterdampas / MJK / ICOM card free entry

Design: Studio de Ronners


