Acts of Publication: Loose Body


This Friday, from 18:30 till 21:00, join us to share moves, and to be moved by multidisciplinary atlantic performatic acts, and also a long session of social steps to make us bounce.

Loose body is the gathering where we remember why we dance, and the power of coming together to release, to exist, to write and to improvise.

The evening is part of Acts of Publication programme. The first edition of the experimental publication transfers the knowledge written in bodies, memories, dances, struggles, testimonies and relations. It recognises the value of displacement as a way of coming together elsewhere to repair the exclusions and distortions caused by distance. The project proposes a movement that transcends geographical and institutional boundaries to amplify the voices and intellectuality of bodies that are often far removed from the main publishing platforms.


18:30 doors open

+ music Nèl Kandela

19:00 La Ciguapa, performed by Yadhira de León ( 10min )

19:20 Dance Jam

19:40 MortoVivo, performed by Luca Tornato and Lara ( 15min )

20:00 Dance Jam with Nél Kandela

20:30 Cummy Rose, performed by Karina Villafan ( 10min)

20:45 Cool down with Nél Kandela

Date: Friday July 5th
Time: 18:30 - 21:00
Location: Kunstinstituut Melly, Witte de Withstraat 50 Rotterdam
