KEYNOTE: Michelle Teran, To Learn in Common (Which is Politics)

Live Book Tickets

This event will also be live-streamed on this page, as well as on YouTube and Facebook Live. No registration is necessary.

Join us for a KEYNOTE by educator, artist, and researcher, Michelle Teran, and followed by a Q&A moderated by sociologist Teana Boston-Mammah. The event is the first in the new 2021 KEYNOTES season and takes place in partnership with the Willem de Kooning Academy.

To Learn in Common (Which is Politics)
Emergent research on transformative pedagogy.

This lecture and launch of the publication Situationer Workbook/Situationer Cookbook connect to emergent research around transformative pedagogy. It comes from the impetus to go back to the drawing board, in order to imagine other possible perspectives on learning and education. The research situates itself around a banner on a fire escape, a water basin, an urban garden, gymnasium, climate justice camp, a community space, and a mending shop, among others.

The KEYNOTE series is a platform in Rotterdam to gather in thought and conversation. Each KEYNOTE takes place on Friday nights, inviting timely contributions to important public topics. The second KEYNOTE season explores the relationship of art and therapy, or therapeutic aesthetics, and takes place in collaboration with academic and learning partners in Rotterdam and the Netherlands.



