Grace Ndjako
Grace is an author and a philosopher. She started her academic career studying Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, where her main interest was Political Theory. It is in Political Theory that she developed an affinity for more abstract thought, which is why she decided to pursue a Minor in philosophy. Upon obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science she left Amsterdam for Paris as she wanted to pursue philosophy. In Paris she enrolled at Paris-Sorbonne University and studied philosophy for an additional year.
She also writes for publications such as Dipsaus Podcast, de Nederlandse Boekengids and Hard//Hoofd. One of her short stories was published in the book ‘AfroLit: Moderne literatuur uit de Afrikaanse Diaspora’ which was edited by Dalila Hermans and Ebissé Rouw and was published by Dipsaus Podcast and Uitgeverij Pluim. She is currently working on a Dutch translation of Aimé Césaire’s ‘Discours sur le colonialisme’, which will come out next year with Uitgeverij de Geus. She is currently working on obtaining her PhD at the University of Amsterdam.