Biography tv-tv (Copenhagen, Denmark)
tv-tv is a decentralized network of producers. At the Free University of Copenhagen, FreeUtvresearch has been set up, a unit within which research is done and where it is possible to experiment with television as public space. From the manifesto of tv-tv: “tv-tv is independently organized television. It is not a state organization, nor the television of the marketplace. tv-tv is a network of independent producers who all want to make television. tv-tv wants to break away from the traditional monopoly of the means of production and broadcasting rights.”
tv-tv is an attempt to create a different kind of public space. The participants in tv-tv do not take any notice of generalizations about what people want based on ratings. They concentrate more on investigating television as a means of communication with a short distance from street to broadcast.
tv-tv manifesto:
tv-tv is everyone's television. Today it has become easy to produce tv. Technical innovation has it made possible to produce television with your own equipment. We will use and misuse all possible tools to make tv. tv-tv is broadcast quality on our terms: everyone can make tv.
tv-tv is self-organized tv, neither the state’s apparatus nor the market’s tv. tv-tv is a network of independent producers who all are longing to make tv. tv-tv wants to break the traditional monopoly of the means of production and the right to broadcast.
tv-tv is publicness. We see tv as an active part of the public sphere in which society is mediated. tv-tv is an effort to produce another public sphere.
tv-tv is investigating tv. we want to experiment with tv, make time for an investigation of tv's possibilities and break with the rhythms offered by most tv channels. We will refuse ratings based generalizations of what people want, and rather investigate tv as a setting for communication. We want to break the monotony that characterizes tv today.
tv-tv is tv of the everyday. With tv-tv we will create a public based on everyday experience in Copenhagen and around the world. tv-tv will be a station with a short distance between being on the street and being on the air. We shall attempt a direct and diverse mode of address, taking its point of view in the passions we encounter and the abilities we establish.
tv-tv is critical tv. We do not aim to reflect society, and we will try to abolish the 'viewer' as a passive consumer. We will not just produce tv: we will produce tv-tv.