Kerem Akar
Kerem Akar has graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art. His art practice focuses on the experience as a medium. The work of Kerem usually takes the shape of a workshop, event, happening, or performance. In his workshops, he integrates principles of Unlearning and the Theatre of the Senses, in which the participant becomes the performer and is invited to explore the world on a sensorial level.
Next to his art practice, he studies Traditional Chinese Medicine with a specialization in Qi Gong, TuiNa Massage, and 5 Element Food Therapy. Through the studies of TCM, he investigates the needs of his own body, how he relates to his body, to others, and the world around him. Consequently, Kerem translates his personal needs into common needs, which form the basis of new projects.